A sample of the back cover book blurb for Mercy on Your Soul. (Not the cover design) and formatting still to be completed.
Creating the back cover blurb can sometimes cause more stress than writing the book itself. It may only be a few paragraphs or in some cases a large quantity of text. Personally as a reader, when I buy a book the last thing I want to be doing is reading an enormous amount of text to find out if I think I'm going to like the book or not. Not to mention, I'm standing in the middle of the store aisle and I might need to read several book blurbs before I find the right one for me.
I'm the kind of reader that needs to be drawn in in the first to second paragraph or back on the shelf it goes. (Yep, I'm not great on patience)
So, with Lord Have Mercy and Mercy on Your Soul, I have tried to capture some of the integral parts of the story that hopefully entice the reader to want to read on.
Throw out the line, hook them and reel them in. That's the book blurbs job.

©H. M. Mills Mercy on Your Soul 2021