Talus is a Gargoyle of the Lincoln Guardians and the love interest of the MFC Mercy Arriella Aymes.
To start with, Talus is a combination of my childhood loves due to a sensory disorder that came to light only a year ago as autism. I fell in love with a stone lion and the texture of a roughened brick wall. It was not just the appreciation for an object that a lot of people have but the overwhelming sensations that produce the chemicals our brain and body interprets as falling in love. The adrenaline, heart palpitations, nervous giddiness, sweating, watering mouth/dry mouth. So powerful that every nerve in the body is buzzing with overwhelming sensation.
In that moment, it would not surprise me if an MRI revieled a brain lit up like a Christmas tree in the middle of a New Years firework extravaganza.
When the Mercy Aymes story came about, Talus had emerged long before Mercy did. I'd carved him from the stones of that lion and the brick wall, pouring all my love into him.
Writing his character didn't always go as initially planned, because I realised it wasn't his story that I was sharing.
He still needed a personality. Some may believe he's lacking in that department, and maybe he is. But my needs for him were simple. Talus needed to have two visually different sides. His Gargoyle form and his Angel. However, I didn't want him to have separate personality traits. I wanted him to be formal, polite and protective, regardless of form. I also needed him to be slightly innocent of human ways.
Talus' existence needed to be different from other Gargoyle stories, and so I had him crafted by a Russian mage mason by the name of (Moisha) His Guardian brothers are crafted by mage masons from across the globe. Within the Gargoyles form are the souls of Angel Warriors that can only come to life when granted the blessed kiss by the Archangel Chayyliel after 21yrs of training. They are unable to transform between the two forms until they are united with a fated mate, but fated mates had long disappeared from their existence, or so they thought.
While Talus had his original beliefs and feelings, I felt it was important for him to come up against emotions he would not have faced before, until his relationship with Mercy, like love, possessiveness, jealousy and the expectations when mated to a hybrid that's been raised in the human world.
Talus is my first love and remains untainted by the passing years.
H. M. Mills
#hmmills #Talus #Gargoyles #Archangels #Demons #Lucifer ##TheMercyAymesSeries ##LordHaveMercy ##MercyonYourSoul #SweetSweetMercy
