
Goodreads Reviews

Eve Koguce rated it 5 Stars
What an amazing adventure it has been exploring her dual nature together with Mercy!
“Lord Have Mercy” by H.M. Mills is a book that has everything to make you turn the pages. Iconic characters like angels, demons, and Lucifer himself open up from the angles you’ve never imagined them before. My favourite characters in the book are the Gargoyles. Those guys make an impressive set you wouldn’t really want to encounter but imagining them while reading was truly fascinating.
I’m not a huge fan of 17-year-old protagonists, but I guess it’s because often they act either if they were ten or thirty. Mercy acts exactly as a 17-year-old girl would in the situations she has to face. I really liked that. She is impulsive, she doesn’t think twice before she acts, and she is easily confused by those older and wiser, especially when they masterfully tag at Mercy’s most painful cords.
Reading this book was like travelling to Hell and back. Descriptions of Hell and its inhabitants were so vivid I almost felt those flames and Lucifer’s wrath burning me through.
H.M. Mills has created a set of bright, relatable characters, and the story arcs that weave their lives together are highly compelling. I’ll definitely read the second installment in the Mercy Aymes series.

J.M. Willis rated it 5 stars.
it was amazing
Lord have mercy, indeed.
Captivating is the word that comes to mind. From the cover to the very end, I was entrapped in Mercy's story. H. M. Mills had me believing I was there in every trial and tribulation. She also had me guessing at every turn. Would Mercy pick good or evil? I absolutely loved it.

Sydney Winward rated it 5 stars
Loved it! This book has a fun, unique voice, and I enjoyed getting inside Mercy's head. The world building and story were captivating, with many awesome twists throughout the book. A great read for those who love fantasy.

Reader rated it 5 stars
Wow. Not going to lie, this is the first fantasy type story I have ever read (not even HP or LOTR). The author managed to craft a story that flowed from one page to the next, keeping things interesting and intriguing. I not only loved this book, but I'd read it again. It's definitely a Goodreads hidden gem.

Kelly Miller rated it 5 stars
This fantasy of good vs. evil takes you from the depths of hell to an infernal boarding school where the bullies are given free rein. Mercy, born of a demon and fathered by an angel, feels a strange draw to the statue of a gargoyle. Soon, Mercy must decide whether her angel or demon will dominate her future, and she faces danger from both forces. A compelling, well-written tale that left me wanting to know what comes next.