Having Mercy on Your Soul released has been an equally thrilling and terrifying time. With so much time and energy put into the sequel I thought I might need a break for a few weeks before I moved onto the next project, but I was writing the day after MoYS was out of my hands.
My next project is editing a completed standalone novel. Although I have found myself jumping from that to finishing writing a novel I'd written a few years ago and writing up the outlines and plot ideas for the third book in the Mercy Aymes Series.
I look forward to sharing my next novel with you.

I held your second book in my hands today; it wasn’t my copy; mine should arrive in a day or two: but boy it was a thrill. I peeked inside, and my heart swelled at the dedication. I didn’t look any further; I gently put it back on Lisa’s shelf. I acknowledge your blood, sweat and tears; I’m pretty sure there was blood at some point; but I also acknowledge how courageous you are! not to mention, talented.
A fan